![]() | 义乌市诺珂喷雾器是专业生产各式喷雾器的制造商。目前有各种注塑,吹瓶机20多台.主要产品有手动喷雾器、气压喷雾器、背负式喷雾器、电动喷雾器、塑料瓶,喷壶,塑料制品,园林工具,五金工具,微型喷瓶等产品。同时生产各种规格的吹塑瓶,也可根据客户的要求来样设计、制造。 本产品广泛地应用卫生防疫、畜牧圈舍的卫生杀虫、消毒等;以及农田、粮食、棉花、蔬菜、花卉、果树等病、虫、草害的防治,也可用于清洗家具和各种清洁剂,洗涤剂的喷射等等。 本公司奉行”质量第一,诚信为本”的经营宗旨.不断自主开发,开拓创新.凭借质优价廉的产品,及时的交货以及的周到的服务,产品已远销国内外十几个国家和地区.愿继续与广大客商开展并保持良好的合作关系,竭诚向新老客户提供满意的商品和服务。 企业宣言:和谦待人;努力做事;永久自信 ! YiWu YoNuoKa Company specializes in agricultural hand sprayer ,minitype sprayer, pressure sprayer, trigger sprayer, knapsack sprayer, plastic sprayer, etc. Now we have 20 sets machines .At the same time ,we can produce all kinds of blow mold bottle ,also can design and develop molds according to the samples and drawings of the clients. Products have been widely used in sanitation & epidemic prevention, sterilization and insects killing ,water spray for hair, flower and clothes ,furniture cleaning and the chemicals packages, etc . We follow the business policy of quality and trust highest ,ceaseless self-development and innovation, supply excellent products & competitive price ,seasonable delivery time and best after sell service .Therefore ,we have sell products to several countries around the world .Such as Europe ,Middle East ,the America ,Africa ,etc .We wish still develop and keep good relationship with all merchant ,also we will try our best supply satisfied products and service to new and old customers . |